There is a vedic belief that a person is born with only so many breaths and that once they are used up, they are all gone, your life ends. I find this concept to resonate within my writing. I believe that I was born with only so much creative energy in the form of what I call, bursts, and it is for this reason that I just can't call myself a writer.
Writers have discipline. They have structure. They write constantly and for money. They are hustlers. I just don't think I have that kind of spirit. Or to be more accurate, I don't believe I was born with enough bursts to sustain a career in writing. So, I simply must preserve them. I hoard them like the breaths of my existence for what I call my greatest works. I have two great works in me...only two. God willing....yes I am one of those people... I will get the chance to complete them.
This site was created so that I can write about the world I see around me. To have a place to share my thoughts, my ideas, my stories, my poems and my work. I don't expect very many people to find their way to my small site, but I see that you've managed to find me in a sea of millions and so, I just want to say that I am so, so glad that you came and I hope to share another moment with you again soon.