The One

One is the only godly number to ever exist. One. Not to be confused with having five and adding one. No. That is human, and it is what separates the haves from the have nots. One. The transition from having nothing, zero, to having something, one, is nothing short of a miracle.

As far as I know, in every country, continent and civilization, the order of numbers has always been the same, no matter the language. First, there is none, then comes one, next two, then three…and that there hasn’t been any other arrangement. When we look at how far we’ve come, it’s so easy to get lost in all of the many ones that have been added since the dawn of time. Having paper and making a book. Having ingredients and baking a cake. Having fire and using it for heat. Once you have two, you can make three and once you have three, you can make more.

Now, there have been very special souls that have walked this world; let’s call them the Discoverers. They are the ones that discovered the fire for your warmth, or the eggs, flour and sugar for your cake, or the paper for your book, the blueprints to your rocket ship or the nuclear energy for your power plant. These people are supernatural and the closest thing to godly we can find in skin and so I want it to be very clear that they should be honored for their contributions. Yet, I want to make it even more crystal clear that they fall short, by many, many millions, of ever being a miracle.

We, as humans, can make every single number after two because of The One that came before us. We can count to one million because someone came before us and showed us how to count to 999,999 or we can make a seven-layer cake because someone came before us and showed us how to make one layer. We can make a baby because someone of the opposite sex came before us and gave us their contribution, or we can make a baby because that Discoverer that came before us gave us the technology we used to culture one in a laboratory.

However, we can stare at an empty garage for the entirety of our lives and never watch a car appear out of thin air. We can beg and scream over the body of our loved ones and never breathe life back into them. We can literally feel the pangs of hunger within ourselves and never feel as full as when we eat. We, as humans, can do so many things, things that seem remarkable, yet we fall short of ever making something without having some things come first.

And if you ask most people, there is not one person who has ever walked this world that can create something from nothing. Not one that can think of a loaf of bread and materialize one before their eyes. Not one that can think of a remedy and cure themselves or others. Not one that can think of a self-sustaining, intelligent, human life and birth one. If the only thing humans can do is add to what has already been done, then shouldn’t it be impossible for life to exist?

Now, some people want to sell you a story about how that transition from zero to one is some accidental, completely random event in time, never to be duplicated again, on this planet nor any other planet despite the millions, billions, possibly even trillions of years of time necessary that would have had to, and that has actually, elapsed to replicate the results. Said people have launched people and things out into the depths of our universe yet never have seen not a single unidentified person, not an upright ape, not a dinosaur, not a fish, a dog, a fossil, a mummified corpse, a blanket, a hieroglyph, not one single artifact of proof that there once was human life on any other planet, planets far older than ours even. Then, with temerity, they, not only, insist that you believe these words that flow out of their prepubescent mouths, let alone supplying fruitful evidence in support of their suppositions, but they insist you reject the written words, actual scrolls of language, found in caverns, caves, deep in the cavities of our earth that date back to the beginning of human history that testify to a diety, a God, a magical man, if you will, and those people ask you to dismiss these facts as fairytales. It should be impossible for life to exist.

Can we pause for a second and examine that life, that perfect life, that One whose existence should have been impossible? And never mind the fact that by simply having any word in our vocabulary, such as the word impossible, exist, its equal and opposite must too exist. We shouldn’t need to quibble over words when we have actual proof of perfection. But there are people out there who will tell you that perfect doesn’t exist. That there is no such thing as perfection. That if we counted from one to eight billion souls, one for every person alive today, we would find eight billion examples of imperfection. And those people would be correct in every single instance in every example except one. One instance. The One.

I understand that it may be difficult to grasp perfection in a world with eight billion examples of imperfection. I understand that it may be hard to comprehend what perfection actually is with so many examples of what it is not. According to science, the earth is 4.5 billion years old. The moon is 4.5 billion years old. Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Venus are all 4.5 billion years old. Yet life exists on one planet in a universe that contains ten million times ten million planets and even if you can find 100 trillion examples of imperfection, even if you could identity them one by one, you cannot, the mathematics does not allow you to discredit The One. The One who came from nothing.

Mathematics should not and could not exist in an imperfect world. Let me count the ways in which it could: Zero. The end. But we know that zero is not the end of the number line. We know there are several more numbers, several more instances after none. And it will never matter whether or not you can count 1 googolplex of instances of imperfection, the truth is you will never need to find a million, not one thousand, not ten and not even two examples of what perfection is. You would only ever need one instance of proof. Which we have. That first One. That atom. That Adam. That something from nothing. That perfect life from which all other life began. We can argue about whether God created imperfect beings, though I am arguing that He created One perfect being and from us, we created the rest. But there is no argument about how some random event created The One. By definition, randomness cannot exist without numbers, without several of them, without a data set. Randomness cannot exist in a world of nothing. So, forgive me if I find it hard to believe this world was some happy accident. No bang in the world could ever account for such perfection. Unless that big bang is the voice in a voidless world shouting, “let there be light.” That transition from zero to one, from nothing to something, is magic. And the idea that because one has never seen a human create something perfect since, does not, cannot and will never not disprove that a God could, even if it was only once.

Therefore, if a God created the One. One is good. One is the only number that is good. One can never be evil. Ever. Never. Think about that for a moment. If you were the only person on the planet to survive a cataclysmic event who are you going to be evil towards? You are not going to poison your own water supply. You are not going to lie, cheat nor steal from yourself. One is in its purest form and inherently good at all times. It is perfect. One can only remain good if it remains alone. And even if two separate ones were to live millions of years alone before finding each other, there is no way, it is impossible, that they could ever go a million more years together (as two) and not do one single, evil act. Think about that.

Out of an infinite number of possibilities, there is only one number that is good and it is every single number thereafter, 3, 4, 5, etc., that has the capacity for good or evil in any given moment. And not only, is it not even possible for those two final souls to decide to go their separate ways after meeting, even if that meeting was as brief as a single second, live a million more years away from the other and still not do one single evil act. Because a simple act, such as building a house on a one-inch parcel of land 5,000 miles away from the other only ensures that the other person cannot live in that one inch parcel indefinitely; which is evil because had only one of them existed they would have it all. This also doesn’t even begin to imagine the turmoil of knowing someone else IS out there yet not finding them would create in a single soul. It would be enough angst and impetus to spend their entire life trying to find them or enough angst and impetus to decide they don’t want to live without them and kill themselves.

From the point that we were able to create something of our own that something has been flawed. From two to three, from 8,000,000 to 8,000,001, every single number thereafter is human. To clarify, to call something human is to call it imperfect. Essentially, it is with error. Errors cannot correct themselves. Errors rear more errors. It is the reason we as humans cannot comprehend an idea such as perfection. In all our genius, no matter how inventive we are, no matter the Discoverer or the discovery, we have never created a single thing, not one thing that doesn’t accompany a side effect.

In a world of eight billion, it would be easy to overlook the One; a Where’s Waldo in a sea of flaws. Not to mention, that it is not a world of eight billion. It would be impossible for us to count the number of people that have existed since The One, yet we can know that every single person thereafter, every single number has been a blemish on a once perfect model. By now, I hope we can at least entertain the idea that a once perfect model could only have been created by a God. Which would then mean a once perfect model could only have obtained such a blemish via their own sin. Which seems to coincide with a few verses in a book most dismiss. But perhaps we can deep dive into that subject at another time.

One is godly and all numbers thereafter have free will. From zero to one is magic. From two to three or from 10,000 to 10,001 is human. Knowing this, the only thing humans can do is add to what has already been done (4+1) or take away from what already is (4-1). We can add to life (birth a human). We can take from life (kill a human). We can add to life (invent an object) and we can take from life (extinguish an animal). As humans, we can make a power plant or a power bomb because someone came before us and showed us how to harvest nuclear energy. We can make a rocket ship or a weapon because that Discoverer came along and provided potential. We know that two can influence three just for the simple fact of coming before it. But is two to blame if three influences four?

Let us break that down further. Say a man and a woman get into a horrific car accident. They both go to the same hospital and are treated by the same doctor. One lives and one dies. Is the Doctor’s father to blame if that doctor saves one life and kills the other? Further, if a man discovers technology that could be used to provide free electricity to all of mankind. Then, after his death, another man comes along and gives it to the entire world for a fee? Is the Discoverer at fault for creating something that another person used in a diabolical way?

With all of our “genius,” as humans, the logic that is used to disprove God in this day and age should absolutely affirm to you that the doctor’s father saved one life and killed the other just, for the simple fact, that he birthed a man that used a technology with so much room for error knowing the risk. And also, that the Discoverer was just as diabolical when he designed something that could be used for both good and bad.

However, somehow when we say these words out loud, they just don’t sit well. Something just doesn’t feel right. We know from our earlier example that the existence of two people living simultaneously automatically creates the potential for sin and the only true way for our world to be free of evil is for The One to live forever in time by itself. Because, even if all of the numbers that come after decided to come together and choose good in every single instance from this moment until the end of time, the fact remains that in every good choice some of the numbers will benefit, some of the numbers will not and some of the numbers will be harmed. Ouch, that sounds kind of rough. But there is also a second option. Is it even possible for all of mankind to do something that benefits all of mankind without harm to even one soul? Or, in other words, how long can the numbers go on in sin?

If I ask you how high we, as humans, are capable of counting? Your answer is most undoubtedly to infinity. But doesn’t that sound strange that if I ask someone how high it is possible to count it is never some exorbitantly high, yet finite, number such as:


(one octillion, two hundred thirty-four septillion, five hundred sixty-seven sextillion, eight hundred ninety quintillion, six hundred fifty-four quadrillion, three hundred twenty-one trillion, two hundred thirty-four billion, five hundred sixty-seven million, eight hundred ninety thousand, nine hundred ninety-nine)

Isn't it strange that if I ask someone how high it is possible to count it is never some exorbitantly high, yet finite, number but a single word-infinity? And isn’t it interesting that when we count, the beginning and the end are both nothing? Zero is nothing and infinity is nothing as it is indefinite. I’m going to let that linger on your tongue for awhile and wrap up my point. (FYI: therein lies the second option referenced earlier). Perhaps we can circle back to that at a later date and time.

Now, let’s say I were to put you on Mars. You and you alone. And let’s say you found a book that appeared to be some sort of historic test containing everything that has and will come. Would you read it if you were able to? Would you accept the words it says as true? Or would you completely dismiss it simply because you do not know who wrote it or because the stories seemed to fanciful? I would hope you would at least read it, assuming you could. I would hope you would accept it, even if the people who wrote it were flawed. Now, what if I told your there is a book that exists out there that has been around almost as long as human civilization, that you don’t even need to go to Mars to read it AND that it describes a mythological man in the sky? Poppycock.

I can contend that we, as humans, have done things that have felt like miracles but you must also agree that we, as humans, and only us as humans have ever done things, and do often do things that have felt and do still feel diabolical. We are the errors. We are the living, breathing flaws in an otherwise perfect design. It is the sole reason we should blame The One for the all.

I understand that if you knew that your child was going to walk into a building and murder 600 people within the hour, you would’ve walked into an abortion clinic and ended their life before it began. That is such a human way to respond which, honestly, makes sense because we are exactly human. We can only see so much of the future at any given time. But what if you also knew that after your child walked into that building that he was going to make a child, your grandchild and that that child would save 600,000,000 souls. Would it be worth it to let the story play out then? Maybe. Or what if one of the still living victims of your son’s rampage created something in 5 years’ time that would save 1 billion? What about now? Probably.

By this I hope you can understand that the arrangement of numbers is a symphony and that God exists in every single note. And for magic to still exist, even in such a world where there are one millions sins, is still a miracle. Because, if humans were responsible for creating something from nothing, no one would exist. And, if by some chance, you think this is a positive thing. You really don’t have to look too far into the future to see most of us don’t survive to see the end.

It is not the doctor who saves one life over another. He will never get to decide who stays, only who goes. We all know of someone who has we has went in for routine surgery and has not lived to see another day and we all know of someone who was not expected to live yet has survived. We, as humans, can end life. We can evade death but we cannot save life because all life ends. We can’t even save ourselves. There is only one who can save you and as the story goes, death is an eternity. To trust in The One means to trust in the arrangement of numbers. To know thyself means to understand that three comes before four and nine comes after eight. Even to count to 1,999,999 does not mean that Two no longer exists. Maybe Two will become #2,000,000th in line. Or maybe Two is in the past waiting for the infinite to finish their story.

You don’t have to go to a building on a Sunday morning to see him. You don’t have to trust the person standing before the podium reciting the written words to you. He or she is nothing more than a number in an arrangement capable of error. They are not The One. You can open your bible and read our history. Yes. It is a historic text. The law of God, at the time, can be found within it’s pages but you can also look out your window or count your numbers and understand God’s plan.

From the nothing came something perfect. Therefore, Zero is everything and nothing. Zero is the one and the all. Zero is the Alpha and the Omega, what can be and what has been. We, as individuals, as Ones, can never become like the none again. That blemish, that human stain, that original sin has tainted all of our offspring from now until the end of time. Yet there is hope. If we are number one trillionth in a line of one trillion negatives, it would only take another line containing one trillion positives to bring us back into balance. It is the law of karma. Zero plus anything negative will always beget negative. Zero plus anything positive will always beget positive. Yet their sums, positives and negatives, are always their difference unless and until they are equal; hence zero. It is the yin to the yang. The as above, so below. The story of us.

Welcome to Church. There are a lot of things we don’t know just yet. There are a lot of things that actively stay hidden from us at any given time. There are so many things that we will never, ever know for sure. The only thing you can control is your place in line and your influence on the living ones that came before you and the ones that will come after. I hope that you come to understand for sure that you will most undoubtedly go forgotten once your number has been called. So stop forgetting that you are human and that those around you are numbers too. Leave that need to control to the Gods. You will never control what others do and you will never understand the full reason why the story, that symphony, must play itself out. But fear not, because it is only a matter of time before the end mirrors the beginning, before the collective becomes the none. And we all know what miracles that none can do, One.

This work is created by, written by and belongs to Aecko and shared here for entertainment.